Michael J. Song
PhD, Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley, 2021.
BA, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Reed College, 2015.
Professional Appointments
- 2022-present Assistant Professor Skyline College, San Bruno, CA
- 2022 Lecturer at Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
- 2022 Lecturer at California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA
- Song, M.J., Li, F.W., Freund, F., Tribble, C.M., Toffelmier, E., Miller, C., Shaffer, H.B., Rothfels, C.J., (accepted for 2025) "The nitrogen-fixing fern Azolla has a complex microbiome characterized by varying degrees of cophylogenetic signal," American Journal of Botany. Preprint: doi:10.1101/2024.05.20.592813
- González-Ramírez, I., Escalona, M., Miller, C., Chumchim, N., Marimuthu, M.P.A., Nguyen, O., Song, M.J., Mishler, B.D. (2024), "A genome assembly for the California Floristic Province paleoendemic liverwort Calasterella californica," Journal of Heredity, esae065. doi:10.1093/jhered/esae065
- Song, M., Pirro, S., Lahmeyer, S., Kyle, K.#, and White, M.# (2024), "The complete chloroplast sequence of the invasive feathered mosquito fern and a draft genome of its endosymbiont reveals that rates of genome erosion vary across the genus" American Fern Journal, in press.
- Martinez-Gomez, J.*, Song, M.J.*, Tribble, C.M.*, Kopperud, B.T., Freyman, W.A., Hohna, S., Specht, C.D., Rothfels, C.J. (2024), "Commonly used Bayesian diversification methods lead to biologically meaningful differences in branch-specific rates on empirical phylogenies." Evolution Letters qrad044. doi:10.1093/evlett/qrad044
- Song, M.J., Rothfels, C.J., Schuettpelz, E., Nitta, J., Huiet, L., Li, F.W., Wefferling, K.M. (2023), "Resolving Deep Relationships and Revealing Ancient Whole-Genome Duplications in Pteridaceae using Transcriptomic Data." American Fern Journal, 113(3):191-210. doi:10.1640/0002-8444-113.3.191
- Song, M.J., Huynh, M.#, Lahmeyer, S., Sedaghatpour, M. (2023), "A New Record of the invasive Azolla pinnata subsp. pinnata R. Br. (Salviniaceae) in California." American Fern Journal, 113(1):56-57. doi:10.1640/0002-8444-113.1.56
- Mehlferber, E.C.*, Song, M.J.*, Pelaez, J.N., Jaenisch, J., Coate, J.E., Koskella, B., Rothfels, C.J. (2022), "Polyploidy and microbiome associations mediate similar responses to pathogens in Arabidopsis." Current Biology, 32(12): 2719-2729.e5. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2022.05.015
- Bai, J.#, Song, M.J., Gao, J., Li, G. (2022), "Whole Genome Duplication and Dispersed Duplication Characterize The Evolution of The Plant Pinoid Gene Family Across Plant Species." Gene, Volume 829 Article 146494. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2022.146494
- Song, M.J.*, Potter, B.*, Doyle, J.J., Coate, J.E. (2020), “Gene Balance Predicts Transcriptional Responses Immediately Following Ploidy Change In Arabidopsis thaliana.” The Plant Cell, 32(5): 1434–1448. doi:10.1105/tpc.19.00832
- Frankel-Bricker, J.*, Song, M.J.*, Benner, M.J., Schaack, S. (2019), “Variation in the microbiome of Daphnia magna across genotypes and temperatures.” Microbial Ecology, 79: 731–742. doi:10.1007/s00248-019-01412-9
- Song, M.J., Schaack, S. (2018), “Evolutionary Conflict Between Mobile DNA and Their Host Genome.” American Naturalist, 192(2): 263-273. doi:10.1086/698482
- Song, M.J.*, Kuo, L*., Huiet, L., Pryer, K.M., Rothfels, C.J., Li, F. (2018), “A novel chloroplast gene reported for flagellate plants.” American Journal of Botany, 105(1): 117–121.
- Adrion, J.R.*, Song, M.J.*, Schrider, D.R., Hahn, M.W., and Schaack, S. (2017), “Genome-wide estimates of transposable element insertion and deletion rates in Drosophila melanogaster.” Genome Biology and Evolution, 9(5): 1329–1340. doi:10.1093/gbe/evx050
- Coate, J.E., Song, M.J., Bombarely, A. and Doyle, J.J. (2016), "Expression-level support for gene dosage sensitivity in three Glycine subgenus Glycine polyploids and their diploid progenitors." New Phytologist, 212: 1083–1093. doi:10.1111/nph.14090
*contributed equally
#former undergraduate student
- Song, M.J.*, Li. F.W.*, Freund, F., Escalona, M., Toffelmier, E., Miller, C., Shaffer, H.B., Nguyen, O., Marimuthu, M.P.A, Chumchim, N., Tribble, C., Fairbairn, C.W., Seligmann, W., Rothfels, C.J., “The genome assembly of the duckweed fern, Azolla caroliniana,” in review at The Journal of Heredity. doi:10.1101/2024.10.22.619683v1
- González-Ramírez, I.*, Song, M.J.*, Mishler, B., "The microbiome of Calasterella californica is shaped mostly by the genetics of the host thalli," preprint soon!
- González-Ramírez, I.*, Song, M.J.*, Mishler, B., "Annotation of the Calasterella californica genome provides initial insights into drought tolerance in liverworts," preprint soon!
*contributed equally
Conference Papers
- Song, M.J. (2018), "On the Possibilities of Plant Knowledges." Future (Im)Perfect - UC Berkeley Comparative Literature Conference 2018.
- Song, M.J. (2020), "Support Our Tropes: Liberal Tropes in Faith Hill and Baratynsky." AATSEEL 2020.
Grants and Awards
- Skyline College Presidential Improvement Fund Award: "Earth Day Every Day" (2024) - $7500
- Skyline College Short-Term Faculty Professional Development Grant (2024) - $3000
- Skyline College Zero Text Book Cost Early Adopter Course Project Grant (2023) - $5000
- IB Dissertation Completion Award (2021) - $2500
- UC Berkeley Teaching Effectiveness Award (2021) - $500
- UC Berkeley Outstanding GSI Award (2021) - No money :P
- Graduate Remote Instruction Innovation Fellows Program (2020) - $2,000
- Conference Travel Grants Award, UC Berkeley (2018) - $900
- Graduate Division Summer Grant, UC Berkeley (2018) - $3,500
- American Society of Plant Taxonomists W. Hardy Eshbaugh Graduate Student Research Grant Award (2018) – $1,000
- Honorable Mention–National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (2018)
- Lawrence R. Heckard Endowment Fund of the Jepson Herbarium (2017) – $1,532
- Graduate Assembly Travel Award, UC Berkeley (2017) - $300
- Barbara Joe Hoshizaki Memorial Scholarship, Organization for Tropical Studies (2017) – $500
- Huayu Enrichment Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Taiwan (2016) – $4,000
- Stafford Research Fellowship for post-bac studies, Reed College (2015) – $5,500
- Plant Biology Summer Research Fellowship, Cornell University (2014) – $4,000
- Reed College Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (2013) – $5,500
- Betty C. Liu Summer Research Fellowship, Reed College (2012) – $5,500
Conference Talks and Invited Lectures as main presenter
- "Initial Insights from the California Conservation Genomics Project: what can we do with all these data?" Colloquium in Biology, San Francisco State University, 2024
- "Cheilanthoid Ferns and Desiccation Tolerance," North American Rock Garden Society Western Chapter Study Weekend 2024
- "Problems, Pitfalls, and Potenial of Organizing During the Covid Pandemic," Society for the Study of Social Problems 2022
- "The ecology and evolution of polyploid niches: investigating the interaction of ploidy, microbiome, and pathogen," Botany 2021
- "PhD Finishing Talk: The ecology and evolution of polyploid niches," Botany Lunch, University and Jepson Herbaria, UC Berkeley 2020
- "Quantifying transcriptome size variation and dosage responses immediately following ploidy change in Arabidopsis thaliana" Botany 2018.
- "Soybean from a land down under: testing the dosage balance hypothesis in Glycine subgen. Glycine," Botany Lunch, University and Jepson Herbaria, UC Berkeley, 2018.
- "Polyploidy: an evolutionary dead-end? Again?" Reed College invited lecture, 2017.
- "Learning From Linnaeus: rethinking scientific language in the age of Trump," Botany Lunch, University and Jepson Herbaria, UC Berkeley, 2017.
- “The Nature of Transposable Element Movement,” Evolution 2013.
Selected Conference Posters
- "Varying degrees of codiversification characterize the Azolla holobiont" Evolution 2023.
- "Commonly used Bayesian diversification-rate models produce biologically meaningful differences on empirical phylogenies" Evolution 2023.
- "Diversification rates across lineages: how does biological meaning differ across model-based approaches?" Botany 2019.
- "Difficulties in the Inference of Ancient Whole-Genome Duplications" Botany 2018.
- "Comparing gene repertoires in annual and perennial soybean (Glycine)" Evolution 2017.
- “Cross-species and cross-ploidy level transcriptomic data support important roles for selection on gene dosage in shaping gene networks?” Botany 2015.
- “Polyploidy and transcriptome size: Does genome doubling cause transcriptome doubling?” Plant Biology 2014.
- “Does genome doubling cause transcriptome doubling?” Botany 2014.
- “Quantifying whole transcriptome size variation across species, tissues and ploidy levels in Glycine,” SMBE 2014.
- “Transposable element rates in Drosophila melanogaster,” SMBE 2013.
Guest Lectures
- "Metagenomics and Evolution," Biology 352 (Bioinformatics), Reed College, Fall 2023.
- "Gene Duplication," IB 160 (Evolution), UC Berkeley, Fall 2020.
- "Leptosporangiate Ferns," IB 168LF (Vascular Plant Systematics), UC Berkeley, Spring 2019.
- "Current Topics in Microbiome Research," Biology 352 (Bioinformatics), Reed College, Fall 2018.
- "Polyploidy and Diversification," Biology 363 (Genes, Genetics, and Genomes), Reed College, Spring 2018.
- University of California Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Instructor of Record:
- BIO 215, Organismal Biology, Skyline College, San Mateo County Community College District, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024
- BIO 101, Our Biological World, Skyline College, San Mateo County Community College District, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024
- BIO 141, Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology, California State University East Bay, Spring 2022
- BIO 131, Principles of Organismal Biology: Evolution & Ecology, Diablo Valley College, Contra Costa Community College District, Spring 2022
Seminar Organizer:
- IB 290-365 Graduate Botany Seminar, UC Berkeley, Spring 2019.
Graduate Student Instructor:
- IB 160, Evolution Discussion, UC Berkeley, Fall 2018, Fall 2020
- IB 102LF, California Plant Life Lab, UC Berkeley, Spring 2018
- IB 168L, Vascular Plant Systematics Lab, UC Berkeley, Spring 2017, Spring 2021
- Bio 1B, Introductory Biology Lab, UC Berkeley, Fall 2016 2017 2019, Spring 2019
- IB 169, Evolutionary Medicine Discussion, UC Berkeley, Spring 2020
Undergraduate Thesis Students:
- Jonathan Qu, UC Berkeley 2019
Science Outreach
- Presenter at Science Slam, Black Pine Circle School, February 2019.
- Workshop Organiser at Expanding Your Horizons in Math and Science Conference at Skyline College, March 2023.
- Ancient Greek, reading proficiency
- Latin, reading proficiency
- French, conversational
- Russian, conversational
- Spanish, conversational
- Mandarin, beginner
- Computers: python, R, Rev, bash
- Review Editor for Frontiers in Plant Science
- Reviewer for the journals: Genetics, American Naturalist, Molecular Ecology, Paddy and Water Environment, American Journal of Botany
- Former Social Media Editor, American Fern Society
- Head-Steward (2017), Trustee-Executive Board (2018), UC Student Workers Union (UAW Local 2865)
- Chair of AFT 1493 Skyline Chapter (2024-present)
Professional Societies
- Fellow of the Linnean Society of London (FLS)
- Member of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE)
- Member of the American Fern Society